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DAC Spotlight Artist: Kingsley Tamfu

by Monica Duboski

From Douala, Cameroon in Central Africa, DAC is proud to introduce our latest spotlight artist, Kingsley Tamfu. Recognized for his immense and colorful mixed-media portraits of seemingly everyday people, Kinsley, only 25 years old, is quickly making his mark on the Cameroon art scene and beyond.

DAC Artist Spotlight- Manolo Lateulade’s Creative Awakening

by Monica Duboski


Catching up with Sheefy McFly

by Monica Duboski

MONICA DUBOSKI DUBOSKI ART COLLAB CO-FOUNDER AND CONTRIBUTOR Sheefy McFly has been hard at work. After more than a year of quarantine, lockdowns, and unstable financial times for many artists, Sheefy McFly not only survived, but has carefully and thoughtfull...

JAHLIL NZINGA-A Valentine's Day Artist Spotlight Special Edition

by Monica Duboski


MONICA DUBOSKI DUBOSKI ART COLLAB CO-FOUNDER AND CONTRIBUTOR    Like creating and experiencing the sensual satisfaction of a perfectly balanced meal, finding true love is often an experimental journey of discovering the (nearly) perfect combination of need an...

Getting to Know: ISSUE

by Monica Duboski

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Getting to Know: ISSUE

    For this month’s artist spotlight, Duboski Art Collab sat down to speak with graffiti writer, ISSUE, to talk about his style, inspiration, and the Los Angeles graffiti scene.